The Father She Went to Find by Carter Wilson

The Father She Went to Find by Carter Wilson

Author:Carter Wilson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Sourcebooks


Travis looks even worse than me.

He’s wearing the same clothes from the night of the shooting, and when I hug him, it’s clear he’s in dire need of a shower.

“Jesus, Penny,” he says. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

As I release his hug, I catch Eileen eyeballing us.

“Come with me,” I say and lead him to the parking lot. It’s midafternoon, and despite the intensity of the sun, the heat is invigorating.

I turn and face Travis. He really does look like a stray dog.

“You just left me,” I tell him. “You left, and I was in that club all alone.”

Travis reaches out and touches my arm.

I pull away.

“I know,” he says. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I mean…I was high and…not even sure if what was happening was even real. You left the table, and I thought you were leaving. So I freaked out, I guess, then ran out a back door.”

“I thought you’d go to the car.”

“I was scared. That coke…I don’t know. It really fucked with my head. I just started running and running.”

Now Travis grabs both my shoulders, and when I weakly try to squirm away, he doesn’t let me. “Penny, I’m so sorry. I really am. I feel like I’m a coward, but really, I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Do you even know what happened?”

“Snakeskin Boys shot Arthur and Leo.”

“Snakeskin Boys?”

“Yeah,” I say. “The guys who hid during our meeting. I don’t suppose you overheard their conversation right after we met with Arthur, did you? When we were in the office next door?”

“No. I don’t think so. Leo was talking to me then. Wait, are…is Leo okay?”

“Dead,” I say, probably too matter-of-factly.

“Jesus Christ.” He massages his temples. “How do you know all this?”

“It was on the news. What happened to you? Where did you go?”

“Not so long a story, but I need to eat. Can we just sit somewhere and eat and talk? If I don’t get food, I’m gonna pass out.”

I nod to my left, to the Out to Lunch Diner.

“I know the owner there. We’re not on the best of terms, and I should probably leave her alone. But she’s an amazing cook.”

Travis follows my gaze and takes in the sight of Fia’s restaurant. “Fuck yeah,” he says.


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